Romance Novel Cover Art

Spotted on PC Magazine’s Backspace page. Mark Longmire pokes fun at romance novel cover art.

In other news, I took the trolley today to drop in on a talk given by John Battelle at a conference at the Fairmont Hotel up on top of Nob Hill. It’s about a 30 minute walk but I was in a hurry and running late so I hopped on a cable car to take me up the hill. I was fully prepared to pay the $3 fare but my ride was so short (just a few blocks, albeit steep ones) that the driver just waved me off.

I forgot about this aspect of living in this fine city, our quaint mode of public transportation is funded by the tourists. Those of us that actually use the cable cars to shuttle us from point A to B can use it as it was originally designed, a ski lift for those of us in a rush!





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