Day: December 9, 2005

  • Yahoo &

    Happy Friday! I’m really pleased to write that Yahoo closed an acquisition of the social bookmarking service Congratulations to everyone involved in making this happen. Along with the earlier acquisitions of and flickr, Yahoo is well on it’s way to bringing the best of the new web to the masses. For more details…

  • Rocketboom now available on Tivo

    Rocketboom, the daily video newscast is now available for download to your broadband connected Tivo. We differ from a regular TV program in many important ways. Instead of costing millions of dollars to produce, Rocketboom is created with a consumer-level video camera, a laptop, two lights and a map with no additional overhead or costs.…

  • rsstroom reader – toilet paper printer

    rsstroom reader – toilet paper printer

    wireless connectivity rss 2.0 & atom compatible random mode bio-metric user identification commercial model allows advertisers to place customized messages targeted to a specific audience through Yi Tien Electronics’ online subscription service. Spyhunter