Month: November 2007

  • Now that’s a community!

    Check out this great video of a guy with autism who was invited to sing the national anthem at Fenway park. He gets a case of the nervous giggles halfway through and the crowd picks up and carries him the rest of the way. – via Marc Levin

  • Hecka nice

    “He’s an extraordinary player who makes every team a lot better. This guy is hecka nice. . .” High school coach for Jimmy Rollins who has just been named Baseball’s National League’s Most Valuable Player. Jimmy Rollins is from Alameda, CA where I live. Encinal High School, where Jimmy played, is in Alameda. We’re all…

  • Vitality – what’s next?

    Back when Facebook announced it’s News Feed (then called the “mini-feed”) which aggregated all your friends activity onto a single, easy to scan page, there was a firestorm of controversy. What upset people the most was that this feed, which consisted of updates that, up until that time, had been scattered across each of your…

  • Thanksgiving

    Because my parents and in laws live in Japan, we usually spend Thanksgiving with friends in the area. What makes the holiday so special is that we get an intimate glimpse of someone else’s family life and gain a deeper appreciation of our friends when we meet their sisters, parents, and cousins. Conversation flows, we…

  • Band Name Origins

    Thanks to the Band Name Origins list, I now know how Led Zeppelin got their name. Keith Moon told Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones that their new project would go over like a lead balloon, hence, Led Zeppelin. The ‘Led’ spelling was to make sure people pronounced the name right.

  • artist page wiki

    Tonight I discovered that has a wiki to store biographies for each of the artists (here’s the entry for Radiohead). They offer a subscription to an RSS feed of recent changes but with a twist – it limit the feed to updates of changes and edits to only artists it thinks you’ll care…

  • Human Flying Squirrels

    Check out this insane video of nutbags jumping off cliffs and flying down with nothing but a modified bat suit (they call them “wingsuits”) to slow them down. Favorite quote, “At first we used to try and jump as far away from the cliff as possible but that got boring. . . ” Watch when…

  • Sad Cubicles

    MyBlogLog world headquarters is in Berkeley which is normally packed with eager young interns brimming over with cool ideas to re-invent the world. But school’s back in session and most of the interns are cramming for their finals so it’s really, really quiet around here. We’ve been busy day-to-day but methinks a half-day of redecoration…

  • Billboard Magazine tracking blogs

    I had no idea but it makes total sense. Leaderboards are all the rage so it makes sense that the publication that started it all would track blog post mentions to see which musical artists are getting the most buzz. The site is pretty light on it’s methodology. The Buzz 100 Chart is currently formulated…