Year: 2011

  • David Segal on Search

    David Segal, the same New York Times journalist who filed the fascinating 5,500+ word piece in November about is back again. The Dirty Little Secrets of Search with a great piece looking into an unwitting, client (and now victim) of black hat SEO, JC Penney. His piece goes into quite a bit of detail (for…

  • Singularity and Sentience

    Singularity and Sentience

    I tuned into the launch of Echo’s social media mixer, the StreamServer, which they describe as a platform for the activity streams-based economy. As the saying goes, in a world where the amount of information is ever-expanding and time remains constant, attention is what is of value. As your phone and computer beeps and buzzes with…

  • Helsinki “Snow-How”

    7-minute video on CNN about how Helsinki handles it’s annual snow removal operations. The last time Helsinki’s Vantaa airport closed because of snow was in 2003 and that was for just 30 minutes.

  • Bohemian Rhapsody on Ukulele

    TED has a video of Jake Shimabukuro playing Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody on his Ukulele. As Jake says, “If everyone played the Ukulele, this world would be a much happier place.”

  • Europe at Night

    This amazing composite image hosted by NASA and other cool images are hosted over at Thought Bubbles, a running archive of occasional wallpaper images and quotes I’ve been curating since 2005.

  • Throwing Stones

    The images coming out of Cairo are very disturbing. Nothing good can come out of a situation where the two sides resort to the throwing of blunt objects at each other. My hope is for calmer minds to prevail tomorrow. Google (and Issac Asimov) tell us, “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” Ignore…

  • What Not to Say. . .

    . . . when you are trying to instill global confidence in your leadership abilities. In response to questions from the international press about S&P issuing it’s first downgrade on Japanese credit worthiness in nine years, Prime Minister Naoto Kan had little reassurance to offer. “I just heard that news,” a flustered-looking Mr. Kan told…

  • Peaks and Valleys

    Peaks and Valleys

    There’s a great post over on TechCrunch about what it’s like to be a startup entrepreneur by Mark Suster with the usual, quick checklist of necessary qualities and caveats of what is in store for anyone that’s thinking of going down such a path. Checklists are good but nothing gives you a sense of what…

  • Two ways to watch the SOTU

    Last night I watched the 2011 State of the Union address, conveniently streaming it via YouTube in 720p over the home wifi and out to my flatscreen Samsung TV here in Finland. I found the archive easily enough and noticed that the White House had conveniently split the screen to show helpful infographics on the…