The Internet is our Attic

As my son enters his teen years, he is using the internet to uncover nostalgic items from my past.

Two things he uncovered today:

Star Wars via Telnet has been something that’s been around for years but somehow passed me by. Open up a terminal window and type telnet towel and sit back and watch the original Star Wars in all it’s ASCII glory. A labor of love, the pre-amble tells us that you can now watch in color if you access the site via IP6.

Pica Pic is a kind of online museum of those old Nintendo pocket LCD games anyone over 35 should recognize instantly.  Developed by Hipopotam Studio in Poland, this site lets you replay these games using your keyboard and recreates the entire experience complete with the original 8-bit sounds. The only thing missing is the tactile feel of the rubber buttons.

What is the internet if not a big attic of our collective past for our kids to rummage around?







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