Year: 2013

  • The Art of Product Management

    The Art of Product Management

    Many start up Product Managers are lone wolf types. They work alone, part of a team, but the only one in that team doing what they do. Shuttling between engineering, design, sales, marketing, management and other constituents, they are the glue that ties the team together, the universal joint making sure all the momentum in…

  • Dave McClure: One can only go to Zero

    Dave McClure: One can only go to Zero

    I was listening to Jason Calacanis interview Dave McClure on his This Week in Startups podcast and had to share this amazing rant on the sorry state of investing in the United States. Dave rants on the lopsided, systemic governmental bias towards the real estate business. The worst you can do when you invest in…

  • Feature List for an RSS Reader

    With the announcement of the sunsetting (never did like that word) of Google Reader, a discussion was kicked off at work over what features would make up an ideal RSS reader. Everyone at GigaOM is a voracious reader so we like to compare information processing tools and techniques like foodies discuss recipes. Here’s my short list:…

  • Internet of Things – What Things?

    Internet of Things – What Things?

    All joking aside, the internet of things is a technology looking for a use. The geek in us tells us that connecting devices together is a good thing. Networks are better than the sum of it’s parts. Choice is better than none at all. Back in the day, I had a friend who set up…

  • My Kitchen Just Crashed

    Internet of Things Gone Wrong

  • Google Glass and Time Travel

    A lot has been written about how Google Glass will be great for those that put on a pair. Immediate access to the world’s most powerful database, push alerts from your closest friends, a voice UI so you can look up directions without having to look down at your phone, a  camera that lets you…

  • House of Cards

    House of Cards

    Just finished all 13 hours of the first season of the latest Netflix series, House of Cards. While I didn’t binge view as some of my colleagues did in the name of journalism, I did find myself staying up later than normal to watch “just one more episode” of this dark cousin to West Wing.…

  • Where is the Microsoft Surface theme song?

    Where is the Microsoft Surface theme song?

    For the launch of Windows95, Microsoft licensed Start Me Up from the Rolling Stones as a way to kick off the biggest software upgrade in the company’s history and forever brand Mick Jagger’s crooning with a key feature of Win95. Now we have the Surface. Where’s the theme song?

  • More about coffee

    More about coffee

    More writing about the value of handmade coffee (vs. those automated Nespresso capsule machines) to follow on my earlier post about Specialty Coffee. It is not that handmade is always best, of course. Much technology is itself a testimony to human creativity and ingenuity. Apple has got very rich through supplying technology that is beautifully designed by…