Month: October 2018

  • Grandma’s Recipes

    Izumi turned me on to a YouTube channel she’s discovered that features lovingly documents the kitchen recipes of an older, sometimes forgotten, generation in Japan. Each short vignette explores the life of these women who fed their family with what they had and passed on traditions of their region. From the producers: Our team especially…

  • Personalized Discovery

    Personalized Discovery

    When asked what we’re trying to build at SmartNews, I sometimes explain it with a department store metaphor. When algorithms are applied to online shopping, they are optimized to show you exactly what you are looking for. Amazon and Netflix are famous for perfecting the “others-that-bought-what-you-bought-also-bought-this” algorithm to great effect. If you’re looking for a…

  • SmartNews & Breaker

    As a commuter, I have two blocks of time going to and from the office when I am not able to read. During these times, I listen to podcasts as a way to get a deeper perspective on the news of the day or learn something new. Most podcast apps ask you to subscribe or…

  • The week that was

    The week that was

    Quirky stories from the week prior.

  • The week that was

    The week that was

    Quirky stories from the week prior.

  • The week that was

    The week that was

    Quirky stories from the week prior.

  • Lady Gaga on Dr. Ford’s Courage

    I am a sexual assault survivor. Trump the other day was speaking at a rally, and he said, ‘She has no memory of how she got to the party. Should we trust that she remembers the assault?’ And the answer is ‘yes’ … And I also know this woman is smart because she’s a psychologist…

  • The week that was

    The week that was

    Quirky stories from the week prior

  • Ford-Kavanaugh and Truth

    Ford-Kavanaugh and Truth

    The nation watches and the world waits to see if our institutions will survive this test.