The week that was

Sacks of ink powder ruptured in a fire and were blown around by the wind, covering a town in England and turning all the cats and dogs temporarily blue.

A Hawaiian Airlines jet bound for Maui never quite got there. After leaving Los Angeles, Flight 33 circled over the Pacific before returning back to LAX. They tried three times before finally giving up. Aloha kind of loses its shine the sixth time around.

People in an Albuquerque neighborhood are getting tired of the unwanted bologna sandwiches being dropped off at their doorstep. Some are getting so creeped out they are moving away.

A Canadian cryptocurrency tycoon took $137 million of his customers’ deposits to his grave when his associates were unable to login and retrieve the tokens stored on his laptop. Conspiracy theories are swirling so much that the hospital in India where he died is having to defend itself and state he didn’t fake his own death.

A 27-year old man is taking his parents to court for giving birth to him without his consent. Ever supportive, his mother said, “I must admire my son’s temerity to want to take his parents to court knowing both of us are lawyers. . .if [he] could come up with a rational explanation as to how we could have sought his consent to be born, I will accept my fault.”

NASA is teaming up with the European Space Agency on testing out a missile that can be used to knock an incoming asteroid off-course should we ever need such a thing.

What makes the Warriors different from other basketball teams? They have a DJ at their practices for one.

Samsung thinks it can spice up your life with a tinder-like dating app that shares a photo of the inside of your fridge with other members of a weird dating network. I think it was developed as a way to get all the lonely refrigerators talking with each other. Imagine the conversation.

I did this little write-up on the Super Bowl ads if you’re interested.

Photo credit: Reddit User: JackSokool






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