Tag: advertising

  • Humanity Star

    Humanity Star

    Rocket Labs, a spaceflight startup based in Los Angeles, secretly stowed away a “disco ball” satellite that has no other purpose than, “to encourage everyone to look up and consider our place in the universe.” The satellite is a “geodesic sphere made from carbon fibre with 65 highly reflective panels. It spins rapidly, reflecting the…

  • ProAm Used Car Listing

    This is what happens when your boyfriend is a professional director, and you want to sell your used ’96 Honda Accord.

  • Preventing Harry Tuttle

    Preventing Harry Tuttle

    My last post, Democracy’s Soft Underbelly warned how algorithms for content distribution and advertising have been weaponized to alter public opinion. The most disturbing aspect of the affair is there is no public evidence of the ad campaigns so there is literally nothing to talk about. When there is no public record of what ad…

  • Democracy’s Soft Underbelly

    Democracy’s Soft Underbelly

    journalists digging into ad buying platforms discover the soft underbelly of a democratic free market that was exploited during the election — ian kennedy (@iankennedy) September 15, 2017 Let me explain. It’s now well-documented that outside forces took advantage of social media platforms to spread rumors in order to swing the 2016 presidential election. Journalists…

  • SmartNews CM with Riho Yoshioka

    SmartNews CM with Riho Yoshioka

    Television markets in Japan are much more centralized than in the United States. Therefore it’s pretty efficient to allocate marketing dollars to old school TV ads (in Japan they are called “CM” as in “commercials”) to give brand lift to online marketing. This month SmartNews dropped a set of short TV spots featuring Riho Yoshioka,…

  • More Good than Bad

    More Good than Bad

    Pepsi take note. Heineken celebrates what brings us together in this well-timed advertisement. Instead of dancing around or romanticizing the polarization of the world around us, this brand has set up an experiment that leans into the nagging suspicion that we have within each of us what it would take to make the world a…

  • Budweiser Founded by an Immigrant

    Budweiser Founded by an Immigrant

    They say this commercial was in development for a long time so they either had a few alternates ready to go or were just extremely prescient. Either way, Budweiser’s Super Bowl ad airing this Sunday will be sure to tap into what is on everyone’s mind in a way that only a few national brands…

  • Tables – poking fun at tech advertising

    I finished Season Three of Silicon Valley, the HBO comedy series built around the mythical company Pied Piper. One of the episodes opens with a brilliant takedown of every over-produced tech commercial you’ve ever seen. What do you do when you have a technical product that defies simple explanations? You string together a bunch of…

  • Golf as a spectator sport

    Golf is returning to the Olympics after a 112 years absence. I’m not a golfer so don’t appreciate the excitement of watching a four hour match on television (happy to sit through hours of watching the Tour de France though) but this Michelob commercial does it’s best to try and give us a sense of…