Tag: social media

  • Social Then, Social Now

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. Frothy expectations bring out the cringe. Social Media was all the rage during Web 2.0 and at the crest of that wave brought us this little ditty, Let’s Get Social. Now it’s crypto. The clip below is a couple years old but I’m putting this…

  • Civil Eyes

    Civil Eyes

    We view the internet through the lens we have for print – a medium where words are published for consumption. Print is broadcast. The internet is, by definition, bi-directional.

  • Wendy’s vs. McDonalds

    The @wendys twitter account is having all sorts of fun making fun of McDonalds frozen beef. Tomorrow is International Womens Day and they may have had the last laugh. Your turn Wendy’s.

  • Social Media and the Spratly Islands

    Social Media and the Spratly Islands

    The tension around the contested Spratly Islands in the South China Sea continues to ratchet up and forces nations in the region to take sides. One of my favorite books about an earlier crisis, the Cuban Missile crisis, is Thirteen Days, which chronicled how JFK navigated his way to a peaceful resolution of the situation. My…

  • Native Advertising Brilliance

    The folks at Huge are to be commended on a truly brilliant native advertising campaign. Hired by the makers of President Cheese, they were stuck with a way to somehow drum up social media interest in a gooey wheel of stinky cheese. What they came up with will be talked about in hush three-martini lunches up…

  • The story behind the tweet

    Power out? No problem. pic.twitter.com/dnQ7pOgC — Oreo Cookie (@Oreo) February 4, 2013 What came off as a completely natural off-cuff quip of the moment was actually the product of a well-scripted social media command center prepared to jump on the opportunity. Imagine a room with representation from marketing, creative, legal, and the “VP of Cookies”…

  • Ten Types of Facebook Likes

    Ten Types of Facebook Likes

    The Facebook “like” is a simple social action loaded with meaning. The act of Liking something online while sitting alone at the kitchen table in your boxers is, on the face of it, a solipsistic act, but it’s really much more complex. One click on that link causes a complex web of behaviors that ripple outwards…

  • Information as Entertainment

    OK, so word is out that Solid State Drives (SSD) are not as reliable as they were once thought to be. Essentially, we projected the decades of expertise that have gone into making hard disks reliable onto these new drives and expected more or less the same level of reliability. Of course, as people started…

  • NY Times – Project Cascade

    NY Times – Project Cascade

    The New York Times R & D group (nytlabs) has a sexy demo video up on their site showing off a new tool they are using to visualize how their content is amplifed and shared via the Social Web. In their words: This first-of-its-kind tool links browsing behavior on a site to sharing activity to construct…