Tag: social media

  • Undocumented “spouse-finder” feature in Facebook

    With all the hoohah over Facebook’s mini-feed feature, one new service was exposed that I didn’t see in the documentation anywhere. Rather than setting up a simple match-making service, the folks at Facebook have pushed the envelope with their online, add-a-spouse feature. I was about to send off a hearty congratulations to my colleague when…

  • Digg 3.0 – stats and cool visualization

    I missed the Digg 3.0 launch party earlier this week where they previewed a cool new visualization tool that will be launching later this month. I was alerted to it because of the Diggnation podcast and am thankful to the infosthetics.com site for pointing me to a video which shows this new visualization. More details…

  • eBay completes social media troika, message boards, blogs, now a wiki

    EBay recently launched blogs for it’s members as a supplement to its very active forum community. While message boards are useful for loosely classified conversations where anyone can start a thread, blogs are better suited for individuals who want to project a voice around an area of expertise. We’re already seeing examples of this as…

  • Video Advertising – two approaches

    Apple announced today that it will run graphical ads in the lower-left hand corner of the iTunes product as users listen to podcasts on their PC. Advertising Age goes on to write that this will help offset the costs of producing and hosting podcasts. Everyone will be looking at this closely. In other news, I’ve…

  • Video editing fun with Remixer

    Check out the latest out of Yahoo Research Labs. Save & edit your favorite clips from the SF International Film Festival, re-arrange, lay down a soundtrack and share. . . . developed in collaboration with Yahoo! Research Berkeley and the Institute for Next Generation Internet at San Francisco State University. Besides the online gallery, a…

  • “Human social networks constitute a habitable environment and a giant playground for memes.”

    UC Berkeley grad student Sean Savage writes about social networks from the perpective of machines, corporations, and memes. Sean’s post pokes fun but is also a useful reminder of how insular and kinda creepy all this talk about "social media" must sound to the person on the street.

  • How do you define “Social Media”

    I joined Havi Hoffman (a Social Media partner in crime here at Yahoo) and Stowe Boyd for coffee in Palo Alto this morning and asked Stowe if he would come up with a two line definition of “social media.” He took a shot at it and came up with a good working definition that I…

  • Tag Cloud

    I’m playing around with Tag Cloud and put a large chunk of my OPML into it to see what all the blogs that I watch are talking about. Looks like there’s an unhealthy obsession with Google 😉 I’ve been thinking a lot about how to creatively manage the flow of news that comes across and…

  • James Fallows on Yahoo & Social Media

    I was pleased to see this weekend’s piece in the New York Times by James Fallows attempting to get a vision of what is driving Yahoo innovation and scored the following quote from Jeff Weiner, Yahoo’s SVP of Search & Marketing, “You can look at the evolution of search as a play in three acts,”…