Tag: travel

  • Stamp Rally for Grown-Ups

    Stamp Rally for Grown-Ups

    On our last trip to Japan, we decided to take our dog, Mimi, along to meet the rest of the family. We moved to Finland from the United States so we knew that travelling with pets involves a lot of paperwork. Avoiding a lengthy quarantine for Mimi coming to Finland required the signature and stamp…

  • Does AppleCare Cover for That?

    Blam! That was how Israeli security forces took care of Lily Sussman’s Macbook at the border. “I’m sorry. We had to blow up your laptop.” After two hours of questioning her they took her laptop out back gave it three bullets . They missed her hard drive so the data is apparently safe and reading…

  • Dopplr City Colors

    Did you know that dopplr assigns a unique color to each city? Neither did I. It’s not just random either – there’s an algorithm at play here. From the dopplr blog: We wanted a deterministic RGB colour value for each city. At first, we tried mapping the latitude and longitude of a city to a…

  • Thoughts on Helsinki

    As with most business trips, my first visit to Helsinki this week was abbreviated and knowingly distorted view of the city. Here are a collection of my impressions. It’s not as cold as I thought. I wouldn’t want to work outside fixing roads or anything but for a quick stroll, a sweater and jacket was…

  • Dedicated to all the Vacation Travelers

    Cool montage of planes taking off from unknown airport. Found on ffffound!

  • Angel Island

    Angel Island, originally uploaded by inky. One of the few family photos we have of all four of us. Of course we’re looking into the sun so the kids are squinting. We saw an episode of Bay Area Backroads, a local TV show on things to do, that gushed about how great it was to…

  • San Diego

    We took a quick trip down to San Diego (photos) last weekend to escape all the banging and clanging going on because of The Kitchen Project.

  • Monterey First Night

    Monterey First Night

    We just got back from a few days down in Monterey where we greeted the New Year with the rest of the town at their annual First Night Festival. We thought the kids get tired out by their usual 8pm bedtime but they were so excited to be spending the night in a hotel room…

  • Daytripping to Santa Cruz: The Mystery Spot & Boardwalk best enjoyed in the off season

    So ends our long weekend. It’s amazing how refreshing some time off can be when you take the time to enjoy it by not going anywhere. Our neighbors across the street took a week-long holiday to the Caribbean and they look exhausted. We stood still while the rest of our block rushed off to the…