Month: August 2004

  • Bloggers and the DNC

    A lot of people are reading about weblogs and bloggers for the first time in the media coverage of the recent Democratic National Convention. While the debate in the traditional media over what exactly qualifies as a jounalist comes off sounding a tad defensive, it’s instructive to read some of the coverage of the convention…

  • Say it ain’t so. . .

    After much anticipated fanfare, Microsoft launched NewsBot into beta for it’s headline MSNBC site. Looks like the advertising execs got their hands on it first though because, according to an MSN spokesperson, NewsBot favors MSNBC stories over others. an MSN spokeswoman later confirmed it in e-mail. “As Newsbot resides on MSNBC and is branded as…

  • Geranimo!

    Tyler’s got the right idea – this is the way to enjoy Summer. We’re off on Tuesday for a house-hunting trip in the Bay Area and after all the fun this weekend, we have changed our plans to to a hotel that includes a pool.