Bite PR Blogging Seminar – Mark Jen

Mark Jen was fired from Google. He broke a few cardinal rules such as not being sensitive to Google’s culture which didn’t support blurting things out. He also broke a cardinal rule of blogging by deleting posts. This is a huge red flag that will only draw attention to the post which can be retrieved from RSS feeds and browser caches. He also mentioned sensitive information right before 4th quarter earnings were released.

Mark now works for Plaxo.

Plaxo has a blog but they’ve made a decision to segment the comments over onto the forums.






2 responses to “Bite PR Blogging Seminar – Mark Jen”

  1. Stacy Martin Avatar

    Hi Ian – just to also write what we talked about at the seminar, we certainly encourage comments and discussions to any of our blog articles, but it made sense to us to consolidate comments in one place. Since our Forum already allows anyone to add comments on Plaxo topics of interest as well as start their own thread discussions, this seemed to be the best place to consolidate comments.

    Stacy Martin
    Plaxo Privacy Officer
    privacy @t

  2. iankennedy Avatar

    That makes perfect sense for your needs and I see how clicking on the Discuss link brings you over to the forum thread which is nice. The only thing I would add is that comments allow people to add links to their homepage or blog. This is useful for letting the readers of the comments see the context and background on the person doing the commenting.

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