Father of Web 2.0 planning on move to SF. Bringing wife and kids too.

Richard MacManus, widely hailed as the Father of Web 2.0 is pulling up stakes in New Zealand and coming to San Francisco. First to attend the conference named after him (wink to John Battelle), then to look for work that will allow him to live here year ’round and participate firsthand in all this wonderful Web as a platform discussion that, to a large extent, seems to be bubbling up on a regular basis in the San Francisco area. Just goes to show you that despite the promise of the internet to enable tribes to gather regardless of space & time, nothing beats the quality and throughput of a face-to-face interaction.

Richard is tired at looking at things from a distance and is jumping in with both feet (just as I did, almost a year ago). His inspiration was Steve Job’s recent commencement speech at Stanford.






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