Day: March 13, 2014

  • Ferrari Land? is following a story about Ferrari’s plans to work with a developer to construct a theme park in Barcelona in 2016. The park will feature the fastest and highest vertical accelerator in Europe, a five star, Ferrari-themed hotel and (no duh) a driving simulator. Maybe they’ll have a bunch of Ford Fiestas on the…

  • Google Drive announces 1 TB storage for $10/month

    Kevin Kelly calls archival digital storage “movage” because when you keep something in an archive, you need to move it around regularly to keep it current, fresh, and on the latest media. Why manage your hard drive storage under a desk when you can send it over to the professionals for $10/month? For the same…

  • iOS 7.1 – Shift Key Guide

    Helpful guide from the folks at Also, I just wanted to test out my new Twitter Card.

  • Space debris becomes an asteroid

    In 2002, an amateur astronomer discovered a new asteroid orbiting the earth. Further investigation revealed that is was a long, lost third stage of an Saturn V rocket that has been floating out in deep space since 1969.