Category: Current Events

  • My New Start Page for the Next 25 Days

    Leslie Harpold will be counting down the days of Christmas with a new daily entry for her online Advent Calendar. Taking advantage of the medium, she will post a carefully selected graphic and link to pair with a Christmas memory from her community. She’s been at for five years so she’s developed quite a following…

  • Google Maps in your Pants?

    Oh my God – this is so bad it’s funny. Dave Cassel of 10 Zen Monkeys deconstructs a radio spot on the GPS-enabled Helio that features a jingle refrain that’s going to stick with me a long time. I don’t think this was what Google was thinking when they set out to “organize the world’s…

  • I’ve seen better UI design

    Toshiba is working on a new display technology that allows you to get a 360 degree view of what’s on your screen. The downside is you’ve got to strap on a 6 lbs. helmet that makes you look like a bobble-head Neil Armstrong. I think they should have kept this one under wraps before releasing…

  • Putting out fires with a 747 Supertanker

    Flying down to Burbank this morning I could see the smoke from the massive forest fire that has been raging in the hills to the North of Los Angeles since Labor Day. I heard that they beat back the flames using a DC-10 reconfigured for firefighting and while looking for a photo of this jet,…

  • Top 10 Presentations

    I pretty much agree with all the presentations on this list except for the exclusion of zefrank’s performance at the TED conference in 2004.

  • Legalese down your throat

    As someone who played around with Google Video shortly after launch I got an email last night letting me know that Google will start running advertisements on selected content. At the end of the email it asks you to login to agree to a new Terms of Service. Is it just me or does this…

  • flickr coloring contest

    flickr was down yesterday so they held a coloring contest.

  • Media Consumption in Middle America. TV still king but web not far behind.

      I attended the presentation of the Online Publisher’s Association latest research report on media consumption at the Four Seasons in San Francisco this morning. Details on the report can be found within the OPA press release. The research was interesting in that it was unlike most reports which (a) are limited to what participants…

  • Alexander Vraciu, the original Top Gun

    Alexander Vraciu, the original Top Gun

    On my way back from a day trip to LA, I sat next to a quiet old man who was settling in for the short flight back home to Oakland. I asked him how his day was going and was kind of surprised to hear him say he’s been really busy. He then told me…