same as it everwas

  • Tyler’s Dinosaur

    Three things came together to bring this picture online. (1) Tyler had the idea to draw a picture of a dinosaur, (2) my parents had to buy a digital camera, (3) my parents had to learn how to upload & email pictures.

  • Lego Spiderman

    Last weekend Dav mentioned that he was so impressed with the quality of the animation these days that he thinks we’ll see animation films will represent a greater percentage of movies released each year. Once you have the models done, much of your upfront costs go down. No actor’s strikes to deal with either. In…

  • San Francisco for the weekend

    With the family away it seemed like a good time to get away for a quick trip out to the left coast for the long weekend. Beautiful weather, fun times, and random photos from the weekend.

  • Oops!

    The New York Post jumped the gun on their morning edition and picked the wrong horse for the Democratic Vice Presidential nomination on their cover story. The offending file was quickly removed from their web site but not soon enough for Reuters to pick it up and get a comment from the Post’s rival across…

  • The Independent on Search

    Charles Arthur, who writes for the UK paper, The Independent puts the Search conundrum in plain English, Yet it’s strange that it’s a lot easier to find something on the web than on my desk; and easier to find something on the web than on my computer. You would think one would store the things…

  • Email is broken

    Peter Coffee writes in Goodbye to Email that spam, phishing, and the hide-and-seek games that spammers play in trying to outwit new email filter schemes is causing so much headache that some Enterprise IT manager’s are looking at alternative communication channels such as application-to-application links. . . . the fraction of e-mail comprising spam rose…

  • High-Tech Tour

    The 101st Tour de France started on July 3rd and Lance Armstrong will be going for an unprecedented sixth consecutive win. It’ll be a sprinter’s race for the next two weeks (yesterday’s finish of Stage 2 ended was clocked at speeds of 67 kms!) leading up the mountains where the men are separated from the…

  • Search, not Sort

    Wired files this story on Apple’s announcement of Spotlight. In Jobs’ scheme, the hierarchy of files and folders is a dreary, outdated metaphor inspired by office filing. In today’s communications era, categorized by the daily barrage of new e-mails, websites, pictures and movies, who wants to file when you can simply search? What does it…

  • Spotlight Developer’s Kit

    Just dug around a bit and see that Apple will be providing a Developer’s Kit to extend Spotlight’s search engine to other applications. But the search engine also works contextually within applications such as Apple’s Mail, Address Book and System Preferences—and Apple is giving developers at WWDC a software development kit to help them build…

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