Tag: big data

  • Data Mining the Electorate

    Data Mining the Electorate

    The New York Times Magazine had a cover piece on the Obama data mining team that used modern data-mining techniques to more efficiently target the undecided voters that they needed to bring across the fence to win the election. Check out the last line (emphasis mine) on their clever use of Facebook photo tags as…

  • Digital Contrails

    Digital Contrails

    What do you do when you have access to the twitter firehose and a top notch geo-visualization artist? Make beautiful maps of course! Gnip and Eric Fischer got together with MapBox and plotted millions of tweets by location, language, and device to come up with some fantastic interactive maps.   The map above is Tokyo…

  • Revenge of the Nerds

    Revenge of the Nerds

    While everyone spoke of New York Times blogger, Nate Silver’s uncanny, almost witchlike ability to call the election last night, the big winner was the triumph of big data and smart algorithms over gut feel and egos. Those in tech that have been following Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight blog at the New York Times broke out…