Tag: kids

  • Hawaii

    Just got back from a week’s holiday in Hawaii where we met up with Izumi’s parents. Absolutely wonderful break from the craziness of work. Swam every day with the kids and flew (and lost) a kite with Tyler. Tiki torches at twilight, tropical fish and dolphins at the hotel lagoon.

  • Easter

    Easter at the Murtlands. Young Harriet and Julia look on like two Victorian matrons while Tyler compares his harvest. Easter Photos

  • “Daddy is not a jungle gym”

    “Daddy is not a jungle gym!” I should know better than to play Medeski, Martin & Wood just before bedtime. The kids were all dancing to the funky groove and before I knew it, climbing all over me. It took awhile to calm them down for bed – too much fun!

  • Resemblance


    The resemblance of my daughter to my sister is striking.

  • New Hope & Ivy Railroad

    New Hope & Ivy Railroad

    A banner weekend for weather which we took advantage of by heading out early to get a table at our favorite Cafe at Rosemont where we met up with our friends and their kids. After a Papaya & Brie omlet and other goodies, we spend a lazy afternoon in New Hope and Lambertville skipping stones…

  • Joe’s Crab Shack

    Yesterday was Tyler’s 4th birthday so we took him to his favorite place, Joe’s Crab Shack down on Route One. He loves the fact that they play music and dance there so he was really pleased when the staff came out to sing him “Happy Birthday” He’s been talking about it all day.

  • Art Day

    Today was an art day. Morning took us to the Princeton Museum of Art where a kind an patient woman taught a collection of 5 & 6 year olds about perspective. We later sneaked out to see the Monets and the Egyptian mummy in the basement. Later we went to the Grounds for Sculpture where…