Tag: startup

  • High Tech Alameda

    High Tech Alameda

    Ever since they shut down the Air Naval Station on the western end of Alameda, there has been a number of cool businesses that have moved in to call the leftover gigantic air hangers their home. St. George’s Spirits – a required stop when visiting the island – they offer tours of their distillery floor…

  • Chris Sacca on TWiST

    Chris Sacca on TWiST

    Jason Calacanis interviews Chris Sacca on This Week in Startups. It’s an amazing, 2-part episode full of straight talk about the current state of startups. There are many great stories and interesting nuggets of information sprinkled throughout. I’m still listening so I’ll update this post with my favorites sections but feel free to share your…

  • Airbnb started as Air Mattress, Bed and Breakfast

    Touching story about how Airbnb started and grew into what it is today. Talk given by Joe Gebbia, Airbnb co-founder. PSFK CONFERENCE NYC 2011: Joe Gebbia from Piers Fawkes on Vimeo.

  • Three Days of Terror at Pinboard

    Pinboard has a three-day trial period, and I was now having nightmare visions of spending the next ten days sitting in front of the abysmally slow PayPal site, clicking the ‘refund’ button and sniffling into a hankie. – Anatomy of a Crushing In the middle of the great del.icio.us exodus of 2010, the small bookmarking…

  • Peaks and Valleys

    Peaks and Valleys

    There’s a great post over on TechCrunch about what it’s like to be a startup entrepreneur by Mark Suster with the usual, quick checklist of necessary qualities and caveats of what is in store for anyone that’s thinking of going down such a path. Checklists are good but nothing gives you a sense of what…

  • Are you a Hacker or a Hustler?

    Micah Baldwin has a great post on what it takes to make a successful startup. One of the first questions you need to ask is if you have both a Hacker and a Hustler. A Hacker is more than a code monkey, who can quickly build software and find interesting ways to hack together code.…