Year: 2005

  • Redwoods, Wine, & Seashore

    We went up to the Russian River this weekend to celebrate Izumi’s birthday. The draw was the annual Barrel Tasting festival but we branched out and did a few other things while we were there. There was an amazing grove of 2,000 year old redwoods right up the road from our hotel where Izumi found…

  • Steve Fossett, where are you going?

    When talking with Tyler this morning about Steve Fossett’s solo flight around the world, my five year old son asked, "Why did he do that? All the way around the world to end up at the same place? He should have visited someplace and met some people." Good point.

  • Annoying Message from the Sponsor

    Don’t you hate those corny flash movies that dance around in front of you like a spastic chicken keeping you from getting to where you want to go? Happy Friday y’all!

  • Pay-Per-View Blogging

    I’m a micropatron. I was going to post (or should I say pile on) the commentary surrounding Jason Kottke’s three week fund raising drive to support his devoting full time to his blog. As usual, several links later and I’m staring at a service selling a perfect-bound copy of all of John Battelle’s posts…

  • Yahoo Search API

    Just in time for it’s 10 year anniversary, Yahoo opened up API access to its search platform.  Allowing programmatic access to search services via URLs is a trail that Google has already blazed but in what maybe another arms race as we saw with hosted email storage, Yahoo allows five times the number of queries;…

  • ThinkEquity, Equity Research Demystified

    ThinkEquity Partners, a San Francisco based boutique investment firm, launched a blog for its equity research analysts. From their press release: "ThinkBlog is leading the revolution in our industry," said Mr. Moe. "With the NYSE making a play to extend trading hours to foster European investments, real-time insightful intelligence on the ever-changing landscape of the…

  • Earings

    Julia has these clip on earings that she likes to wear and her entire attitude changes when she puts them on, becoming more flirty and, in her eyes at least, sophisticated. Tyler, on the other hand, clips them on top of his ears and acts the goof.

  • Daily Show on Bloggers

    In case you missed it, here’s a link to the hilarious commentary on Jon Stewart’s Daily show about the Jeff Gannon and Eason Jordon blowouts and bloggers in general. The Washington Post, you heard it here 12th. Brilliant.

  • He shoots, He Scores!

    For the past month we’ve been sending Tyler to a local “supplemental educational center” so that he can top up what he learns in school with further training and challenge himself a little further. At his age (Tyler will be six in March), we really just want him to feel comfortable making mistakes in order…