Tag: web 2.0

  • My Web 2.0 Laptop

    When I worked at Yahoo it was at the height of a cultural trend called Web 2.0. The fashion was to put stickers of various startups all over the front of your laptop so people could see how hip you were. I was running into many interesting people so I took a different approach and…

  • Lane Becker Interview

    An interview on Get Satisfaction, the Help Tab, and Code for America

  • Smart LinkedIn Integration

    Congratulations to whomever is turning up the heat over at LinkedIn. It’s been just over a year since they opened up their API and now we’re really starting to see the fruits of this effort.  The latest integration with Fortune on their 100 Best Companies to Work For demonstrates how a professional social network can…

  • Raindrops and Private Clouds

    Before Christmas I posted about the possible break-up of clouds.  For the past 5 years or so, the usual suspects such as Yahoo, and Google, and more recently Facebook and a re-vitalized AOL have been sucking up smaller collectives of socially active sites in search of rich pockets of user engagement. Clouds are an apt metaphor because…

  • Cloud Burst

    Warranted or not, the great delicious.com shutdown scare of December 2010 teaches us all an important lesson about the sustainability of cloud services. If you’re not paying for a product, you are the product. This quote paraphrased from blue_beetle on metafilter is very apt. Companies that offer free services to their users do so in…

  • Internet OS – an Update

    Long post by Tim O’Reilly on the current state of the Internet as an Operating System. Many key developments that see this idea coming together and Tim connects the dots in a compelling way to complete the picture. The key piece for me is Social. The Internet OS still does not usefully recognize that we…

  • Social Discovery, Social Filtering, and other Web-Squared Shapes

    It’s hard to wrap up a major conference, especially when you didn’t attend, but viewing things from a distance sometimes helps because only the loudest messages make it all the way over. Before the conference even started, Fred Wilson threw out a one-liner that got people thinking. He called it the Golden Triangle. The three…

  • If you can’t share it, it doesn’t count

    I heard this line somewhere but can’t attribute it to anyone. Did a search on Google, Yahoo, and even Bing and didn’t find any mention of it either. In an increasingly interconnected world, when one social network is connected with another, if you can’t share something, does it count?

  • Can you embed your social network onto a chip?

    So I’m really excited because I scored a free pass to this week’s Web 2.0 Summit based on a comment I left on John Battelle’s blog where he asked his readers for questions for executives he is going to interview on stage. My question was for Paul Otellini, CEO of Intel: Do you forsee a…