Year: 2007

  • Sad Cubicles

    MyBlogLog world headquarters is in Berkeley which is normally packed with eager young interns brimming over with cool ideas to re-invent the world. But school’s back in session and most of the interns are cramming for their finals so it’s really, really quiet around here. We’ve been busy day-to-day but methinks a half-day of redecoration…

  • Billboard Magazine tracking blogs

    I had no idea but it makes total sense. Leaderboards are all the rage so it makes sense that the publication that started it all would track blog post mentions to see which musical artists are getting the most buzz. The site is pretty light on it’s methodology. The Buzz 100 Chart is currently formulated…

  • Fridays mean Guiness

    The latest in a series of from the “Good things come to those who wait” commercials was filmed in a small village in northern Argentina. Hat tip to Scott with the deets.

  • Everyone loves a contest

    Nothing gets bloggers’ juices flowing better than a leaderboard. Today we launched a friendly little contest to see who can add the most users to their MyBlogLog community between now and the end of the month. Face it, we’ve all been there – how many friends do you have on MySpace? How many of Facebook?…

  • Tim O’Reilly is Skeptical about OpenSocial

    Tim O’Reilly sums up quite nicely the key problem we’re all waiting to see solved with OpenSocial If all OpenSocial does is allow developers to port their applications more easily from one social network to another, that’s a big win for the developer, as they get to shop their application to users of every participating…

  • Getting back to what’s real

    After a breathless day at the office with multiple IM windows open, twitter updates pinging away in my snitter window and heavy discussions on internal email lists, I retreated to a dinner party with my suburban neighbors to unwind from the week’s events. My mind was bubbling over with thoughts from the day’s news and…

  • How does OpenSocial map identities?

    I’ve been pouring over all the commentary on yesterday’s announcements of Google’s OpenSocial initiative. I’ll reserve judgment until the MyBlogLog team has had a chance to check out the documentation to see what’s possible. One open question I have is the one raised in this post by Dan Faber about the GetFriend call, MySpace CTO…

  • Another Cool New York Times Hack

    Robert Langman left a comment on my previous post about meta-data at with a link to a couple of cool mashups that use keywords on the older archive of New York Times material, the paper from 1851 through the early 1900’s. Check it out here.

  • Ballpark promotions gone horribly wrong

    As we slide into the World Series we remember Five Ballpark Promotion schemes that went wrong. Includes gems such as the Cleveland Indians 10-cent beer night Management forgot one small detail: drunk people get restless. More than 25,000 fans showed up for the event, most of them already tipsy at the gate. Among the more…