Month: June 2005

  • Les Claypool

    On a whim, I went to see Les Claypool last night. His bass playing style is a hard-hitting funk that I haven’t seen since I saw Keziah Jones several years back in Tokyo. His finger-slapping style throws out over the crowd like thick waves of jello – as soon as he starts playing, the whole…

  • A Drinking Club with a Sailing Problem

    Today Mie & Dav came over to Alameda with their bikes and we rode to several yacht clubs on the Island that opened their doors to visitors interested in becoming members. It was kind of like a pub crawl because each clubhouse has a bar and they all had food laid out for potential members.…

  • Morgan Aero 8

    My father used to go on and on about how a Morgan would be the perfect car for me. Because of their over-sized, smog-producing, hand built British engines, the old Morgan’s from the 50’s were eventually banned from the US and I never saw one. Morgan, one of Britain’s oldest independent sports car maker has…

  • Email is broken (part II)

    Further expanding on a point raised last year, today I received an email the had the following disclaimer in the .sig. Note: Because of the high volume of spam we receive, legitimate e-mail is sometimes mistakenly filtered. If you send a message and don’t receive a reply, please try the telephone. The IT press has…

  • Father of Web 2.0 planning on move to SF. Bringing wife and kids too.

    Richard MacManus, widely hailed as the Father of Web 2.0 is pulling up stakes in New Zealand and coming to San Francisco. First to attend the conference named after him (wink to John Battelle), then to look for work that will allow him to live here year ’round and participate firsthand in all this wonderful…

  • Yahoo hoovers the dark web

    Big news. Yahoo has quietly launched a beta service which allows you to use the Yahoo engine to search content that normally sits disaggregated behind proprietary subscription walls. Some of you may recall the old Northern Light service which attempted to do the same but never was able to convince the larger aggregators to play.…

  • Zuppa, good for the soul

    Zuppa (564 4th St, San Francisco, 415.777.5900), an Italian restaurant around the corner from the Six Apart office, opened its doors today. Ginevra has been following their progress closely as they transformed the grey, bunker-like structure into an airy SOMA enoteca. After chatting up the head chef (which she confessed that she had thought was…

  • Class of ’84 Update

    Dear Middlesex Class of 1984, It’s that time of year again – the lazy days of Summer are upon us. What better time than to take stock of your lives and share your accomplishments with your classmates. Comments are due back to Fundraising Headquarters by July 31st so if you can click on “Comments” below…

  • Skiddaddling Alarm Clock

    Ever had one of those mornings where you hit the snooze bar one too many times and end up having to rush out the door with a bagel in your mouth because you’re late? Gauri Nanda, a researcher at the MIT Media Lab has a device that will solve that for you. When the alarm…