
For those of you who read this blog through a reader, I took care of few things on the blog this weekend to clean things up a bit.

  1. My recommended software for the E71 has proven very popular but that is only one of the three phones that I use on a regular basis and there’s lots of good software to recommend for those too. On the top tab I have added two news ones, Software for your N97 and Software for your N900.
  2. I replaced the hosted lifestream from MyBlogLog with a self-hosted lifestream provided by the excellent WordPress plugin, WP Lifestream
  3. I added a SoundCloud dropbox widget to my sidebar. Feel free to use it to send me any tracks you want to share. I’m always looking for new music.
  4. I created a mobile template of my site for those coming to my site via a mobile phone. The template is easily created using the WordPress Mobile Pack which comes bundled with analytics for your mobile traffic from PercentMobile. You can see what their reports look like on
  5. I re-activated my Blogroll page. The more things change, the more they stay the same. I this day of metacuration, it’s useful to share your influences.






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