The week that was

Crowds on South Street in Philadelphia got bored with the simulcast of the World Cup final and turned to re-living their Eagles win the Super Bowl from five months ago instead.

The small town in rural Japan that is the birthplace of something called Ninja Tourism is facing a shortage of Ninjas.

Scientists have detected just enough Cesium-137 radiation in California wines to date wines made before or after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

To the surprise and amusement of city workers, the public flower beds in Powell, Wyoming started sprouting marijuana plants. The contraband cannabis plants were, “unknowingly watered and cared for” before they started to leaf out and were immediately recognized.

Donald Trump, fresh off his self-perceived successes with the NATO and Putin meetings in Europe, wants to paint Air Force One red, white, and blue.

Protestors have organized nightly events outside the White House to prevent Trump from getting over his jet lag. So far there has been a mariachi band and opera singers belting out The Star Spangled Banner. Tonight there will be a hip-hop artist and a brass band. The organizer is looking for tap dancers, puppeteers, a professional auctioneer (to verbally reenact outside the White House everything important Trump is giving away to the highest bidder), and bagpipers for the, “most epic bagpipe performance you have ever seen.”

The Brady Bunch house is on sale for the first time in 45 years. $1.85 million if you must ask.

First it was too heavy so they made it longer. Now it’s too long to fit the dock. Total retrofits of the new Spanish submarines will cost upwards of 14 million euros. Someone had put a decimal point in the wrong place, and “nobody paid attention to review the calculations”.

Rodney Smith Jr. finished his challenge of mowing a lawn in every state, for the 2nd year in a row.

Finally, the made-ya-look headline of the week award goes to Nixon Calls For Trump’s Impeachment by NY State of Politics.

Photo credit: Evy Mages at The Washingtonian






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